After receiving my B.S. in mechanical engineering from the South Dakota School of Mines, I wanted to pursue a Master’s degree in a sustainable energy field while remaining at a science based institute.
The Colorado School of Mines fit my needs perfectly. The CFCC provides the opportunity to interact with leading professors in the field and collaborate with local fuel cell companies including the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Since I started in the summer of 2008, I have been building system level models for SOFCs. My goal is to define key operating parameters that drive system efficiency and define optimal system settings and configurations for the desired application. I am currently using EES to build my models, but I am planning on transitioning to MATLAB incorporating a CANTERA interface.
While my main motivation for coming to CSM was academic, being located at the base of the Rocky Mountains is a great perk. It is a luxury to be able to step out my front door and go for a run in the mountains.